X. The President to the Senate, [17 January 1791]
X. The President to the Senate
[17 Jan. 1791]
Gentlemen of the Senate
I lay before you a representation of the Chargé des affaires of France, made by order of his court, on the acts of Congress of the 20th. of July 1789. and 1790. Imposing an extra tonnage on foreign vessels, not excepting those of that country, together with the Report of the Secretary of State thereon: and I recommend the same to your consideration, that I may be enabled to give it such answer as may best comport with the justice and the interests of the United States.
PrC of Dft (DLC); in TJ’s hand. Entry in SJPL reads: “[1791. Jan.] 17. Message to Congress on French representation against foreign tonnage.” RC (DNA: RG 46, Records of the U.S. Senate); in Lear’s hand, signed by Washington, dated “United States January 19th 1791.” FC (DLC: Washington Papers). Enclosures: (1) Otto to Secretary of State, 13 Dec. 1790 and 8 Jan. 1791. (2) Report of Secretary of State, 18 Jan. 1791. (3) Printed text of Lambert to TJ, 29 Dec. 1787, with English and French texts of arrêt of that date. (4) Printed text of arrêt of 7 Dec. 1788, with translation of same in Taylor’s hand. All of the foregoing are in DNA: RG 46, Records of the U.S. Senate (see Vol. 12: 466–70; Vol. 14: 268–9). The above message and accompanying documents were received by the Senate on 19 Jan. 1791 and are printed in , i, 66–71.