From Thomas Jefferson to John Churchman, [24 November 1790]
To John Churchman
[24 Nov. 1790]
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Churchman and his thanks for the pamphlet and chart he has been so good as to send him. He incloses him a letter to Mr. Leroy, who will recieve and distribute such of these pamphlets and charts as Mr. Churchman may send to him. It will be proper to take care that no expence fall on him for either postage or transportation.
RC (PPAP); addressed: “Mr. John Churchman Philadelphia”; at foot of text in Churchman’s hand: “came to hand 24 Nov. 90.” PrC (DLC). Enclosure: TJ to Jean Baptiste Le Roy, 24 Nov. 1790, reading: “Mr. Churchman being desirous of sending to some person in Paris some of his Variation charts and pamphlets for purposes which he will explain by letter, I take the liberty of advising him to address them to you, whose zeal for the service of science has ever rendered you open to it’s votaries. The importance of the object of his researches and the ingenuity he had displayed in pursuing them will I am sure interest your attention to them. I am happy in this and every other occasion of assuring you of the sincerity of those sentiments of esteem & respect with which I have the honour to be Sir Your most obedt. & most humble servt., Th: Jefferson” (PrC in DLC).