George Washington to John Hancock, 28 August 1790
George Washington to John Hancock
New York, August 28, 1790.1
Your favor of July 20th. came safely to hand, together with the Memorial of Monsieur de Latombe of the 7th. of June, and the Resolve of the Legislature of Massachusetts of the 24th. of the same month. On considering the nature of the difficulties which have occurred in the execution of the Consular Convention, they appeared to be such as could not be removed but by a legislative Act. When these papers were received the session of Congress was already drawn so near to a close, that it was not thought expedient to propose to them the taking up at that time a Subject which was new, and might be found difficult.2 It will remain therefore for consideration at their next meeting in December.3—With due consideration I have the honor etc.
FC (DLC: Washington Papers). PrC (DLC); in TJ’s hand, with variations as indicated in notes below. See notes, Washington to TJ, 26 July 1790. Entry in SJPL reads: “[Aug. 2] draught of letter from G. W. to Govr. Hancock on French Consular Convention,” an entry proving that TJ was more characteristically prompt in providing the draft than the date of its dispatch would seem to indicate. The delay was doubtless calculated so that the letter would be dispatched after the end of the session.
1. Dateline does not appear in TJ’s draft.
2. At this point in PrC the following is deleted (obviously by TJ rather than by Washington, since the deletion was made before PrC was executed): “Monsieur Laforest, the Consul of France here, was spoken to on the subject, and concurred in the opinion.”
3. At this point wrote, and then deleted, the words “when they”; text of PrC ends here.