To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 30 November 1789
From George Washington
New York Novr. 30th. 1789.
Dear Sir
You will perceive by the enclosed letter (which was left for you at the Office of Foreign Affairs when I made a journey to the Eastern States) the motives on which I acted with regard to yourself, and the occasion of my explaining them at that early period.
Having now reason to hope from Mr. Trumbulls report that you will be arrived at Norfolk before this time (on which event I would most cordially congratulate you) and having a safe conveyance by Mr. Griffin, I forward your Commission to Virginia with a request to be made acquainted with your sentiments as soon as you shall find it convenient to communicate them to me. With sentiments of very great esteem & regard I am, Dear Sir Your Most Obed. Hble. Servt.,
Go: Washington
RC (DLC); endorsed as received “at Eppington Dec. 11. 1789” and so recorded in SJL. Dft (DNA: RG 59, MLR); in Lear’s hand, docketed by Washington; dated 28 Nov. 1789. Tr. (DLC: Washington Papers); agrees with text and date of Dft, which has minor variants from RC. Enclosures: (1) Washington to TJ, 13 Oct. 1789. (2) Engrossed copy of commission as secretary of state, dated 26 Sep. 1789, signed by Washington (MHi; FC in DNA: RG 59, PCC No. 59).