To Thomas Jefferson from James Jarvis, 10 December 1787
From James Jarvis
London, 10 Dec. 1787. On 10 Nov. he received from Jay, the Commissioners of the Treasury, and others, sundry dispatches and letters for TJ; sailed the following day on a vessel bound for Amsterdam; landed at Dover on 9 Dec.; his business will detain him in London for a few days and he is therefore turning the dispatches over to Trumbull; hopes TJ approves; asks him to acknowledge the receipt of the letters at once.
RC (DLC); 3 p. Recorded in SJL as received 19 Dec. 1787. The letters and dispatches recorded as received with this letter on 19 Dec. are those from Jay of 27 July (two letters), 24 Oct., and 3 Nov. 1787; from Edward Carrington of 23 Oct. and 10 Nov. 1787; from Nicholas Lewis, 20 Aug. 1787 (missing); from James Madison, 18 July and 24 Oct. 1787; from Commissioners of the Treasury, 10 Nov. 1787; and from George Washington, 18 Sep. 1787. Trumbull probably brought only a part of these letters and John Paul Jones the remainder. In his letter to TJ of 18 Dec. Adams reported that Trumbull left “last Thursday” (13 Dec.) and that Jones “went off a day or two ago” (ca. 16 or 17 Dec.). It is probable, therefore, that both Jones and Trumbull arrived about the time that TJ entered all of the letters in SJL (see Jones to TJ, 19 Dec. 1787).