Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to R. & A. Garvey, 8 August 1787

To R. & A. Garvey

Paris Aug. 8. 1787.


Having reason to believe that the harpsichord I expected from England will arrive soon at Rouen addressed to your care, I have obtained a passport for it to prevent it’s being opened at Rouen, as I have directed it to be very well packed. I now inclose the passport and will beg the favor of you to have the harpsichord sent up by water. I am sorry I could not save the necessity of an Acquit a caution, but you may be assured I shall be very careful to withdraw it and return it to you. I have the honour to be with much respect, Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

PrC (MHi). Enclosure missing.

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