Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Parent, 30 July 1787

From Parent

Beaune, 30 July 1787. Sends statement of account for two quartercasks of red and white wine sent to TJ; has drawn on him for the total, 258.₶ to the order of D’Aulne; hopes TJ will order from him again when he needs wine from this area; will do his best to give satisfactory service.

RC (MHi); 2 p.; in French; endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 2 Aug. 1787. At the head of the letter TJ made the following recapitulation of the charges stated in Parent’s letter:

“126. bottles rouge  84. blanc 124. bottles  78₶
bouteilles  27.  10  27.  10
paniers   6.   6.
emballage   8.   8.
collé, tiré &c.   4.   4.
paille &c.   2.  10   2.  10
132 126.
By the bottle
Vollenaye Meursault
en futaille 13s.4d en futaille 12s.7d
bottles &c.  7 .8 bottles &c.  7 .8
21 19 .15”
At the foot of the letter TJ made his calculations for determining the costs per bottle.

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