Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Abigail Adams Smith, 11 July 1787

From Abigail Adams Smith

Grosvenor Square July 11th. 1787


I received last week the enclosed Letter addressed to you under Cover to Mr. Smith, and from the Contents of Mr. Smiths Letter (of which I enclose you a Copy), I concluded to keep it till his return. But this Morning the Bill of which the enclosed is a Copy was presented by the House of Smith, Bright, and Gray, for acceptance, which induces me to forward your Excellencys Letter and Copies of the other Papers.

My Father accepted the Bill and will at the expiration of the thirty days pay the Money, if Mr. Smith should not return before, unless you should give other orders. I am Sir with great respect your Humble Servt.,

A Smith

RC (MHi); endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 18 July 1787. Enclosures (DLC): (1) Sullivan to TJ, 27 Apr. 1787. (2) Copy by Mrs. Smith of Sullivan to Smith, 27 Apr. 1787, enclosing Sullivan’s draft of that date payable at ten days on TJ in favor of Smith for £46 17s 10d, and informing Smith that he had drawn on him at thirty days because Bills on France will not sell here at this time without great Loss, and having advanced Cash for Governor Jefferson to amount of the Contents and forwarded the Articles by Capt. Pierce, have taken the Liberty to trouble you to negotiate the Affair for me.” (3) “Copy of the Bill presented by the House of Smith, Wright, and Gray,” in Abigail Smith’s hand, drawn on Smith and payable at thirty days’ sight in favor of James Sullivan, with an acceptance by John Adams reading: “July 11th 1787 for the Honour of Colln. Smith in his absence in Portugall Accepted by John Adams.”

The draft by Sullivan on TJ at ten days’ sight is in DLC: TJ Papers, 29: 4982.

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