From Thomas Jefferson to William Macarty, 20 June 1787
To William Macarty
June 20. 1787.
- 12 plats d’entrée d’environ 11. pouces
- 12 plats d’entremets d’environ 11. pouces
- 6. douzaines d’assiettes plates
- 2. douzaine d’assiettes à soupe
- 8. Compotiers moiens
- 4. plats de releve, 2 longues, et 2 ronds
- 2. Soupieres
- 2. Saladiers
- 2. jattes ronds.
Mr. Jefferson will be obliged to Mr. McCarty to send him the above articles from Lorient, by land. His bill for the amount shall be paid on sight by his very humble servant,
Th: Jefferson
PrC (DLC). In DLC: TJ Papers, 37:6314 there is a memorandum in Petit’s hand which lists the number of pieces to be ordered, with several changes in TJ’s hand and endorsed by him: “McCarty Wm. note for china June 20. 1787.”