Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Hopkinson, 14 April 1787

From Francis Hopkinson

Philada. Apr. 14th 1787.

The enclosed Phial contains some of my Essence L’Orient but very imperfectly prepared. I heard only this Morning that Mr. Paine would set off Tomorrow. I had to buy the Fish and prepare the Essence. It should be three or four Days in settling and the water then poured off but I have had only as many Hours for the Purpose, so that great allowances must be made. I have put some volat Spt. Sal Ammoniac and some Spirit of Wine in, which will preserve it, I hope, till it gets to hand. All I want to know is whether the Sample I send is of the right kind. If it should be, I can procure any Quantity of it in the season that is April May and June.

F. Hopkinson

RC (DLC). This note was probably enclosed in the foregoing. The entry in SJL for 11 June 1787 mentions only one letter of 14 Apr. from Hopkinson.

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