Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Elizabeth Wayles Eppes, [31 March 1787]

From Elizabeth Wayles Eppes

[31 March 1787]

I never was more anxious to hear from you than at present, in hopes of your countermanding your orders with regard to dear Polly. We have made use of every stratagem to prevail on her to consent to visit you without effect. She is more averse to it than I could have supposed; either of my children would with pleasure take her place for the number of good things she is promised. However, Mr. Eppes has two or three different prospects of conveying her, to your satisfaction, I hope, if we do not hear from you.

MS not found; text is from the extract printed in Randolph, Domestic Life description begins Sarah N. Randolph, The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson description ends , p. 124, which is cited there as having been written “Towards the close of the month of March, 1787.” This must, however, be a part of the letter from Mrs. Eppes dated 31 Mch. 1787 which TJ recorded in SJL as received 27 May at Bordeaux, along with the letter from her husband of 30 Mch. 1787.

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