From Thomas Jefferson to St. John de Crèvecoeur, [ca. February 1787]
To St. John de Crèvecoeur
[ca. Feb. 1787]
Dear Ssir
I return you your papers with many thinks. Monsr. de Chalut who has shewn me many civilities, being desirous of sending some packages of pictures to Charles town I advised him to send them by the packet from Havre to New York, and to have them reimbarked thence to Charles town. He asks me for a correspondent at New York to whom he may address them. Knowing that men of the same language and nation can always give the best satisfaction to each other, I will beg your permission to let them be addressed to your deputy at N. York. Will you be so good as to give me a line to him, desiring him to take the trouble of receiving and reshipping them? If you could send me such a line by the return of the bearer it would much oblige Dr Sir Your friend & servt
Th: Jefferson
RC (Louis St. John de Crèvecoeur, Montesquieu-sur-Losse, France, 1947); not dated and not recorded in SJL, but evidently written soon after TJ received back from Soulès the “papers” respecting the Wyoming massacre that had been lent to the latter through TJ’s good offices (see TJ to Soulès, 2 Feb. 1787) and were also enclosed in the present letter.