To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Paul Jodrell, 28 February 1787
From Richard Paul Jodrell
Berners Street, London. 28th. Febry. 1787.
The Author of The Persian Heroine, having received from Mr. Jefferson Mr. Wythe’s book of Virginia, intreats his acceptance of the inclosed Tragedy.
RC (MHi); endorsed: “Joddrell.” Recorded in SJL as received 25 May 1787 at Bordeaux. The enclosed quarto edition of Jodrell’s The Persian Heroine, London, 1786, was probably not received with the covering letter but left at the Hôtel de Langeac with other books and letters brought by Smith in TJ’s absence on his southern tour (Smith to TJ, 19 May 1787).
TJ’s inscription to Jodrell in a presentation copy of Notes on Virginia had led the latter to suppose George Wythe its author (see note to Wythe to TJ, 10 Feb. 1786).