Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Peters, 26 February 1787

To Richard Peters

Paris Feb. 26. 1787.

Dear Sir

Your favor of Octob. 1. covering the letter and bill to Captn. Capitaine did not come to my hands till yesterday. I wrote to him immediately to inform him it should be delivered him at any moment. We talk and think of nothing here but the Assemblée des Notables. Were all the puns collected to which this assembly has given rise, I think they would make a larger volume than the Encyclopedie. The government is said to want eighty millions of livres revenue more than they have and they propose to give to the people provincial administrations and to make other improvements. It is a pity they had not more of the virtue called oeconomy, of which we have something to spare. I hope the company of Mrs. Peters and your little ones have cured all your aches and pains both of body and mind. That you and they may continue for ever clear of them is the sincere prayer of Dr. Sir your friend & servt.,

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC); MS faded, and a number of words have been overwritten in a later hand, probably that of H. A. Washington (see Vol. 10: 288, note 1).

TJ was aware that Peters would be interested in the puns … to which this assembly has given rise, since Peters was a famous punster.

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