Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Vandenyver Frères, 16 February 1787

From Vandenyver Frères

[Paris] Ce 16 fev.

Mm. Vandenyver freres auront besoin de nouveaux ordres de Mm. Willink & Staphorst pour remettre a M. Jefferson Largent quil desireroit recevoir sur ce qui lui reste de bon sur le credit que les dits Sieurs avoient ouvert en Sa faveur chez Vandenyver en 1785. Ils ecrivent en consequence a Mm. Willink et feront part a Monsieur Grand de leur reponse.

RC (MHi: AMT); without indication of the year, but see TJ to Adams, 20 Feb. 1787, in which he refers to the present letter as an “answer,” presumably to one he had written. Neither his to Vandenyver Frères (missing) nor theirs to him is recorded in SJL.

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