To Thomas Jefferson from C. W. F. Dumas, 13 February 1787
From C. W. F. Dumas
The Hague, 13 Feb. 1787. He will write on other subjects by the next regular mail; the present only serves to cover the enclosed.
RC (DLC); 1 p.; in French. Recorded in SJL as received 18 Feb. 1787. Enclosure (Dumas Letter Book, Rijksarchief, The Hague; photostats in DLC): Dumas to Jay, 13 Feb. 1787, reporting on political affairs in The Netherlands and advising that he had drawn on Willink & Van Staphorst for 2,500 florins to be charged against arrearages due him by Congress (text, together with several enclosures sent by Dumas to Jay, printed in iii, 549–64).