To Thomas Jefferson from Maria Cosway, [27 November 1786]
From Maria Cosway
[27 Nov. 1786]
Ho scritto due volte senza aver ricevuta una lettera da lei doppo la prima quale trovai all mio arrivo qui, e quale mi prometteva il piacere d’una piu frequente corrispondenza: Ogni giorno di posta o aspettato con inquietudine. Temo che il suo braccio sia peggio, ma anche questo non l’impedirebbe scrivermi. Prendo questa occasione di mandarli due linee per domandarli se a ricevute le mie lettere, per pregarla di mandarmi sue Nuove, e per ricordarli che sono piena di stima. Sua sincera ed affma. Amica,
Maria Cosway
RC (MHi); MS mutilated, the upper part of the leaf being eaten away; salutation and date entirely missing; the latter has been assigned from internal evidence and an entry in SJL for the receipt of a letter of this date on 20 Dec. 1786.
Translation: I have twice written without having received a letter from you after the first which I found on my arrival here and which promised me the pleasure of a more frequent correspondence: Every post-day I have waited anxiously. I fear lest your arm be worse, but even that would not prevent your writing me. I take this occasion to send you a couple of lines to ask if you have received my letters, to beg you to send me news of yourself, and to remind you that I am full of esteem Your sincere and affectionate friend.