From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson, 4 November [1786]
To Martha Jefferson
Saturday Nov. 4. [1786]
My Dear Patsy
Two of your country-women, Mrs. Barrett and Mrs. Montgomery, will dine with me tomorrow. I wish you could come and dine with them. If you can obtain leave let me know in the morning and I will come for you between one and two o’clock. You must come dressed. Adieu my dear Patsy your’s affectionately,
Th: J.
MS not found. Text printed from a photostat of RC in NcU; the following note appears on the verso of the second leaf: “Given to M. J. T. Burke by M. J. Randolph-July 22d. 1874.” The year 1786 has been supplied in the date because the letter is written with TJ’s left hand, and Saturday fell on 4 Nov. in that year. Not recorded in SJL.