From Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 23 September 1786
To William Stephens Smith
Paris Septr. 23. 1786.
Dear Sir
Being desired by a friend to procure him a copying press I take the liberty of putting the inclosed under cover to you and of requesting you to pay for it and have it sent as therein desired. I wish it may be in time to come with the other articles that it may not multiply my applications for passports. Be so good as to let me know whether Mr. Tessier has any hesitations about going beyond the extent of Mr. Grand’s letter. If he has, though I do not know the exact sum that will be necessary I will send another letter of Credit at random. My dislocated wrist prevents my writing to you in my own hand. Present me affectionately to Mrs. Smith, to Mr. and Mrs. Adams and be assured of the sincere esteem with which I have the honor to be, dear Sir, your most obedient humble Servant,
Wshort For Th Jefferson
RC (MHi: Washburn Collection); in Short’s hand, including signature; post-marked; addressed; and endorsed. PrC (DLC); endorsed by TJ with his left hand. Enclosure (missing): Letter to Woodmason concerning a copying press; there is an entry in SJL for a letter to Woodmason under this date which has not been found, but which Smith mentioned as having been enclosed in this letter in his to TJ of 1 Oct. 1786.