From Thomas Jefferson to William Carmichael, 22 September 1786
To William Carmichael
Paris 22d. Septr. 1786
Mr. Jefferson’s Compliments to Mr. Carmichael and begs the favor of him to convey the inclosed letters. He has recieved his letter of the 4th. of Septr. and is in hopes that one which he had written to Mr. Carmichael on the 22d. of August will have answered some of his enquiries. An indisposition likely to continue some time will necessarily retard his answer to the rest. He begs Mr. Carmichael to be assured of his esteem & respect.
PrC (DLC); in Short’s hand. The enclosed letters have not been precisely identified, but they were addressed to Barclay and Lamb (see Carmichael to TJ, 3 Oct. 1786) and they must have included TJ to Barclay of this date.