Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Stockdale, 8 August 1786

From John Stockdale

Piccadilly 8th. Augt. 1786.


I duly received your two Orders for which I return you my sincere thanks, the whole of which is executed excepting one Copy of McIntosh[’s] Travells, which is entirely out of print. The List of the Books sent in a Box directed to you at Paris, is on the other side, which I have Book’t at the Mess. Beam, Piccadilly, this day and they will set out for Paris to Morrow. There is no more of Soulés History of the War, except 2 Volumes, nor is it at all likely that there will ever be any more. I have had some thoughts of printing your Work in England, which is highly spoke of except those parts that relate to our Country, but I had some doubts wether it wou’d sell sufficient to defray the expences. At a convenient oppertunity shall be glad to have your opinion on it. I am with great Respect, sir Your much oblig’d & very hble. Servt.,

John Stockdale

His Excy. Thos. Jefferson

1786. Dr. to John Stockdale
Aug. 18th. Homers Ilias & Odyssia Greek
  2 vols. folio bd. 2 4
Schrevellii Lexicon 7 6
2 Capper’s Travels bound 12
1 McIntosh’s Travels bd. 18
Price’s Observations on do. 2 6
Andrew’s History of the War 4 vols. bds. 1 10
Bells Shakespeare No. 25 to 32 12
Cooke’s Littleton Pt. 4 7 6
American War No. 25 to 28 4
Jeffery’s Historical Chart 10 6
Priestley’s Biogl. Chart 10 6
Description of do. - -
Evans’s Map of the Middle Colonies 2
8 0 6

N.B. The Bookseller will not sell the description of the Chart separate, nor will he make the book perfect, but if you will at another opertunity specify the Pages Wanting I will endeavour myself to get them at the booksellers.


RC (MHi); endorsed. Noted in SJL as received 13 Aug. 1786.

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