Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette, June 1785–May 1786

From Lafayette

Sunday Morn.

This letter, My dear Sir, Will Be delivered By M. de la Tagnerette a Gentleman Well Acquainted with financeering Matters who is one of the farmers of the Postoffice. He has some ideas Regarding our tobaccoes which I Advised Him to Communicate You. Bonjour My dear friend. LAF.

RC (MHi); without indication of addressee or date. This letter could have been written at any time between 1785 and 1788; Tagnerette is listed in Almanach Royal, 1786, p. 652, as an assistant administrator of the post office (also in 1785, but not in 1787). It seems most probable, then, that this was sometime during the latter part of 1785 or the first half of 1786, excepting, of course, March and April when TJ was in London.

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