To Thomas Jefferson from André Limozin, 8 May 1786
From André Limozin
Havre de Grace May 8th 1786.
Most Honored Sir
The Letter your Excellency hath honored me with the 5th instant is come this day to hand. I am informed that the Vessel in which Messrs. Fitzhugh imbarked them selves had got the River Delaware the 31rst January last, and was Stopt there by the Ice. Yesterday arrived a Ship from Virginia. She is an American Brig. If she returns thither I shall take the Freedom to give your Excellency Hint thereof, and shall do the Same when any opportunity for any port of America offers.
I have the honor to be with the highest regard, Your Excellency’s most obedient & very humble Servant,
Andre Limozin
RC (MHi); endorsed. Noted in SJL as received 10 May 1786.