Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Lister Asquith, 13 January 1786

To Lister Asquith

Paris, Jan. 13. 1786.


I have duly received your letter of the 2d. instant. The delays which have attended your enlargement have been much beyond my expectation. The reason I have not written to you for some time has been the constant expectation of receiving an order for your discharge. I have not yet received it however. I went to Versailles three days ago and made fresh applications on the subject. I received assurances which give me reason to hope the order for your discharge should soon be made out. Be assured it shall not be delayed a moment after it comes to my hands, and that I shall omit no opportunity of hastening it. In the mean time I think you may comfort yourself and companions with the certainty of receiving it ere long. I am Sir Your most humble servant,

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC).

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