To Thomas Jefferson from John Jay, 7 December 1785
From John Jay
New York 7th. Decemr. 1785
Dr. Sir
The last Letter I have had the Pleasure of receiving from you is dated the 14th. August last. My last to you is dated the 2d. Ult: by Mr. Houdon who I hope has by this Time safely arrived. Nothing of importance has since occurred except the Arrival of Mr. Temple, respecting whom I enclose the Copy of an Act of Congress of 2d. Instant. With great Esteem & Regard I have the Honor to be &ca.,
John Jay
You will herewith receive a Packet of Newspapers.
FC (DNA: PCC, No. 121). Recorded in SJL as received 18 Jan. 1786. Enclosure: Copy of resolution of Congress, 2 Dec. 1785, recognizing John Temple as British consul general in the U. S. (text printed in xxix, 897–8).