Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from De Thulemeier, 11 October 1785

From De Thulemeier

The Hague, 11 Oct. 1785. Informs TJ of his receipt of the Ratification of the treaty by his government; as soon as Congress’ ratification shall come to TJ, he will arrange with him for the proper exchange. Asks to be remembered to Short and is conscious of his obligation to TJ for their acquaintance. “Mr. Schort me paroît aussi distingué par ses connoissances et ses lumières que par sa dextérité à manier les affaires.” Encloses a letter to be forwarded to Baltimore from a merchant of Silesia.

RC (DNA: PCC, No. 87, i); 1 p.; in French; in a clerk’s hand, with last phrase of complimentary close and signature in De Thulemeier’s hand; accompanied by an English translation labelled at head of text: “No. 7.” Tr (DNA: PCC, No. 107, i); with an English translation. Recorded in SJL as received 15 Oct. 1785. Enclosure not identified.

On this date De Thulemeier wrote John Adams a similar letter, to which Adams replied somewhat optimistically that the treaty had already been dispatched to America (it actually remained in France with the Fitzhughs for another month) and that the instrument of ratification might be expected in three months (it was nearer ten). “As soon as it arrives,” he added, “you will be made acquainted with it either by Mr. Jefferson or me, and then we may proceed to the Exchange in such a manner as may be agreed upon as most convenient to both parties” (Adams to De Thulemeier, 4 Nov. 1785; MHi: AMT).

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