Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from André Limozin, [ca. 22 September 1785]

From André Limozin

[Le Havre, ca. 22 Sep. 1785.] Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 20 Sep. Though he is busy and has not been well, he will have his old letters to his friend, Robert Morris, looked through and will send TJ copies of what he wrote on the question of Fortin’s claim to an inheritance. Since the given name in the papers sent by Morris to support the claim is not the same as that in church records in France, Limozin thinks the claim will not be upheld.

His ship Eolus, Capt. Paon, will sail on 15 Oct. for Portsmouth “on her Ballast to take thither a Cargoe of Lumber for the Island of Tobago”; Limozin offers to send anything TJ wishes.

RC (MHi); 3 p.; without date; at foot of letter: “His Excellency Ths. Jefferson Esqre. Ambassador of the United States of America to the Court of Versailles Cul de Sac rüe Tetebout près la Comédie Italienne Paris.” This is evidently the undated letter from Limozin which TJ recorded in SJL as received 25 Sep. 1785.

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