Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 11 September 1785

From John Adams

Grosvr. Square 11th. Septemr. 1785.

Dear Sir

In answer to your enquiry in your letter of the 4th. inst. I can only say that I knew Mr. Matzei at Paris and that he made long journeys. But in what stile he lived and at what expence he travelled I know not. He always made a genteel appearance without any unnecessary show, and kept good Company wherever he went. I observed this in Paris and heard of it in Holland. In Italy it could not be otherwise, for he is well known and esteemed there as I have always heard and particularly within these few days from the Genoese Ambassador and General Paoli; both of whom enquired of me, very respectfully, after Mr. Mazzei, at the Drawing Room, of their own motion. Knowing as you and I do how little way a thousand pounds go, in expences of living, if I were to guess at his expences, altho’ he had not a house and train of Servants to maintain, nor a table that I know of, yet, considering the indispensible article of Cloaths, Carriage, Postage and Stationary, as well as the ordinary expences of Apartments, travelling and all the rest, I could not undertake to pay his way for a less Sum.

I am, dear Sir, Yrs: &c: &c.

FC (MHi: AMT); in an unidentified hand. Recorded in SJL as received 22 Sep. 1785.

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