Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Barré, 11 July 1785

To Barré

Paris July 11. 1785.


I have this moment received your letter of the 28th. of June and will have the copy of Genl. Washington’s picture taken for Mr. Thevenot as soon as I receive an answer to my letter from America. I have reason to expect it by the first or second packet. I have no hesitation in pronouncing Wright’s drawing to be a better likeness of the General than Peale’s. I thank you for your friendly dispositions as well to myself as my country. I think it of great importance to both nations that the present cordial harmony should be cultivated. Late occurrences in America prove it to be strong there, and I have no reason to doubt it here.

I am with great respect Sir Your most obedient humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC). The answer to my letter from America that TJ expected was one from Hopkinson to him in answer to his of 13 Jan. 1785; see also TJ to Hopkinson, 6 July 1785.

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