Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to James Milligan, 17 June 1785

To James Milligan

Paris June 17. 1785


I have been honored with your letter of Apr. 15. inclosing certificates for Genls. Duportail, and Laumoy and Col. Gouvion. I have delivered the 1st., and shall deliver the two last as soon as the gentlemen return to town from which they are absent at this time. I inclose you the original certificates which had been lodged with Dr. Franklin, according to your desire & have the honor to be &c.,

Th: J.

FC (ViWC); in TJ’s hand; at foot of letter: “Jas. Milligan Comptroller of the Treasury. sent by Mr. Otto.” Enclosures: U.S. Treasury certificates (see Milligan to TJ, 15 Apr. 1785).

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