Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to the Governor of Virginia, 12 May 1785

To the Governor of Virginia

Paris May 12. 1785.


I have the honor to inform you that at length Messrs. Laval & Wilfelsheim have paid the bill of exchange remitted. It will enable me to furnish Monsr. Houdon for his voiage to Virginia when he shall be sufficiently reestablished in his health to undertake it. Dr Franklin proposing to return either the next month or the month following, I think it probable that Houdon will accompany him.

I have the honour to be with due respect your Excellency’s most obedt. & most humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (Vi); addressed: “His Excellency the Governor of Virginia”; endorsed in part: “Mr. Jeffersons Lr. recd August 85 acknowledging payment of Mr. Alexrs. bill.” Entry in SJL reads: “Governor of Virginia. Laval & Wilfelsheim have paid. Will enable me to furnish Houdon for journey. Probably he will accompany Dr. Fr. who returns the next month or month following.” Opposite the entry is the notation: “by Mr. Adams.”

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