II. Classification of Treaty Provisions, 1783
II. Classification of Treaty Provisions
In comparing the Project and Counterproject of the treaty with Denmark with our instructions it will be found that these render it necessary to strike out several of the articles, to insert some new, and to alter others; insomuch that it’s whole texture and plan will be defaced and mutilated. Will it not be better then to take up the subject as it were anew, to arrange the articles under classes, and while we are reforming the principles to reform also the language of treaties, which history alone and not grammar will justify? The articles may be rendered shorter and more conspicuous, by simplifying their stile and structure. Some such arrangement as the following may perhaps be approved.1
Art. |
Dft (DLC). MS (DLC); both in TJ’s hand. Tr (MHi: AMT); in hand of John Quincy Adams; copied from MS before alterations indicated in notes 2 and 3 were made.
The project of the treaty with Denmark was based on the treaty with the Netherlands (see Franklin to Rosencrone, 13 Apr. 1783; Wharton, Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev., vi, 373). The counterproject, submitted by Rosencrone to Franklin on 8 July 1783, is printed in same, vi, 519–25, together with a translation of the accompanying explanation.
1. In MS and in young Adams’ copy made from it this revealing passage was altered to read: “Will it not be better then to take up the subject as it were anew, and to arrange the articles under classes in some such order as the following?”
2. This heading interlined in Dft and in MS and subsequent numbers altered accordingly by overwriting. Not in Tr.
3. Dft and MS have a deleted entry following this point, as follows: “Exchange of ratification.” Not deleted in Tr.