Aide-Mémoire from David Hartley, 16 September 1784
Aide-Mémoire from David Hartley
You may with great Truth assure the American Ministers of our ready and friendly disposition to receive any proposals from the United States for the forming such regulations as may tend to the mutual and reciprocal advantage of both Countries.
That his Majesty’s government would at all times be ready to concur in the forming such a System as may fully answer every purpose of commercial as well as political advantage to the two Countries and fix and establish a permanent and beneficial intercourse between them.
MS (DNA: PCC, No. 86); in Hartley’s hand; endorsed: “England Passy Septr. 16. 1784 Memoire from Mr. Hartley Minister Plenipoty from His Br Majesty.”
The minutes of the Commissioners (DNA: PCC, No. 116, p. 33–4) for 16 Sep. record the following: “Mr. Hartley Minister plenipotentiary from His Britannic Majesty having previously requested a meeting with the American Ministers, now gave them information that he had received orders from his Court to return to London; and that he was authorised to assure them of the ready and friendly disposition of the Court of London to receive any proposals from the United States for forming such regulations as might tend to the mutual and reciprocal advantage of both Countries.”