To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Hardy, 21 May 1784
From Samuel Hardy
Annapolis 21st. May 1784.
Dear Sir
Enclosed you will receive a Cypher which Colo. Monroe requested me to transmit you. He together with Mr. Lee and Mr. Gerry sat out yesterday to Georgetown. We thought it expedient that the Committee should proceed in order to turn the view of the Continent to that place as the spot where Congress may perhaps ultimately fix.
Since your departure we have done nothing. Congress have been involved in a scene of Confusion greater than you can conceive.
The Committee of Qualifications reported that the time of the Delegates of Rhode Island had expired. To this report five states assented, two dissented and three were divided. A question then arose whether as the report was not agreed to by seven states, those Gentlemen were deprived of their seats, or whether when the right of a Member to sit was questioned it did not require seven states to establish that right. It has produced great diversity of sentiment, and more altercation than I have ever seen either in Congress or any other place. So that I begin seriously to apprehend we shall be forced to adjourn and confess to the World that the division of our Councils has prevented the adoption of those measures which the interest of the Union so loudly call’d for at our hands.
I am Sir with every Sentiment of respect Your Mo Obedt
S: Hardy
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ. Noted in SJL as received 24 May 1784. Enclosure was the second code for correspondence between TJ and Monroe (see Monroe to TJ, 8 Feb. 1783). The difficulty that Monroe had in completing it is hinted at in his letter to TJ of 20 May, but it was not until some months later that TJ discovered how erroneous it was. The clerk who did the copying, “Mr. Clerici,” scrambled the numbers to such an extent that only after several days’ work was TJ “able to set to rights the many errors of your copyist, whose inattention alone had induced those difficulties” (TJ to Monroe, 6 Feb. 1785). The incorrect copy of this code (here and elsewhere in this edition designated as Code No. 5) is in DLC: TJ Papers, 11: 1895; it has corrected numbers inserted by TJ. The correct copy, transmitted by Monroe to TJ on 12 Apr. 1785 to replace the incorrect one enclosed in the present letter from Hardy, is in DLC: TJ Papers, 11: 1891. For the second code concerted between the two, see Monroe to TJ, 20 July 1784. See also TJ to Monroe, 11 Nov. 1784 and 14 Jan. 1785.