Thomas Jefferson Papers

III. Analysis of Votes of 7 October 1783, November 1783

III. Analysis of Votes of 7 October 1783

Absent N. Hampshire and Georgia

N. Hampshire } for any place in preference to Philadelphia. the further North however the more agreeable to them.

New York. for the most Northern situation

New Jersey. the same.

Pennsylvania. for Germantown, next Lamberton1

Delaware. for Wilmington. but for Georgetown in preference to Lamberton or any other situation which would attract the trade of their river.2

Maryland. for Annapolis. to the smallest hope for this she will sacrifice a certainty of George T.

Virginia. for George T. she ought to prefer Philadelphia or Lamberton to Annapolis or any other situation North of Patowmack which would attract the trade of Chesapeak.

N. Carolina } for the most Southern situation
S. Carolina.

When the question was put on the several rivers.

Hudson’s river. N. York alone
Delaware river 4. E.S. [Eastern States] N.Y. NJ. P. D.
Patowmac. 5. S.S. [Southern States]3

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 10: 1560); entirely in TJ’s hand. This document of the present series not printed by Ford. It agrees in substance and in large part in phraseology with the analysis in TJ to Harrison, 11 Nov. 1783, which TJ admitted was based on information furnished by others.

1This passage was corrected from the following: “Pennsylvania. for Philadelphia, next the falls of the Delaware.”

2This passage was corrected from the following: “Delaware. for Philadelphia, but for Georgetown in preference to the falls of Delaware or any other situation,” &c.

3Following these notes, on the same page, is a table in TJ’s hand showing the population of the thirteen states with their respective proportions of the national expenses (JCC description begins Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, Washington, D.C., 1904–37, 34 vols. description ends , xxiv, 231, 259).

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