Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Jacquelin Ambler, 16 March 1782

From Jacquelin Ambler

Richmond March 16. 1782.

Dear Sir

When you left the letters with me you seemed desirous that more attention should be paid to safety than dispatch in the conveyance of the two larger ones: I was not so particular therefore in forwarding the smaller letters, but reserved those for the President of Congress and Monsr. Marbois to be sent by some hand that would not fail to deliver them safely. Several Weeks elapsing and none such casting up, I was exceedingly uneasy, and asked the favor of Mr. Jameson, who is personally known to Count Rochambeau, to inclose and recommend them to him to be forwarded: not doubting but they would go with much greater certainty by one of the Counts Couriers than by any of the express riders from hence. The Count politely wrote in answer that he had sent them by a trusty Messenger. I assure you I was very unhappy for their long detention, and lament that I did not think of the Count sooner. Mr. Short left Richmond a few hours before your favor reached me, or I should certainly have written by him. Being obliged to attend the Board, I had not the pleasure of seeing him when he called at our House, but had desired Mrs. Ambler to inform him how I had sent the letters. She forgot to do so it seems. Be pleased to present our respectful Compliments to your Lady and believe me Dear Sir with very great esteem Your Friend & Servt.,

J: Ambler

RC (DLC). Ambler’s letter was enclosed in TJ to Marbois, 24 Mch. 1782, q.v.

The present letter was doubtless in response to a letter of inquiry from TJ to Ambler (your favor) written after he had received Marbois’ letter to him of 29 Jan. 1782, but no such letter from TJ to Ambler has been found. The two larger ones: These were the letters of 20 Dec. 1781 to McKean and Marbois, with their fairly bulky enclosures. The smaller letters have not been identified, though one of them was certainly TJ’s letter of 20 Dec. 1781 to Charles Thomson (see TJ to Marbois, 4 Mch. 1781).

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