Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas McKean, 30 September 1781

To Thomas McKean

Monticello in Virginia Sep. 30. 1781.


The bearer Mr. William Short purposing to Philadelphia for the prosecution of his studies, I do myself the honor under authority of the acquaintance I had the pleasure of forming with you in Philadelphia, of introducing him to your notice, persuaded that should you give him an opportunity of being known to you, you will think it a circumstance not merely indifferent to add to the number of your well wishers a gentleman of very uncommon genius, erudition and merit.

I have the honour to be with very great respect Your Excellency’s most obedt. & most humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

Intended as RC, but not sent (DLC); written on a sheet which TJ subsequently used for a summary of the case of Blair v. Blair; addressed: “His Excellency Thomas McKain President of Congress. favored by Mr. Short.”

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