To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Donnally, 29 May 1781
From Andrew Donnally
Green Brier County 29th. May 1781
Agreeable to your Excellency’s Instructions I have held a Court Martial to enquire into the Delinquencies which have happened by Persons of the Militia neglecting to perform their Tour of Duty, the Number of Delinquents here are few; and am at a loss how to have them Marched to the place directed to, in your Instructions, as no person here will undertake to perform the Duty upon the Terms mentioned in your Excellency’s Letter; this makes me request your farther Instructions how I am to proceed in this affair. I am Sir Your Excellency’s Obt. Hble Servant,
Andw. Donnally
RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed. Your … instructions: See TJ to the county lieutenants, 12 Apr. 1781, in which your excellency’s letter of 30 Mch. 1781 is referred to.