To Thomas Jefferson from Littleberry Mosby, 20 April 1781
From Littleberry Mosby
Powhatan 20th April 1781
I Acknowledge the Receipt of the Advice given by the Executive to me, to Call a Court Martial for the purpose of punishing the Delinquents Who has Refused or Neglected to March when Called Upon Under the Invasion Law, some few there May be in this County, and for the purpose aforesaid I had Appointed Fryday last to hold a Court, But the Whole of our Militia being Caled forth has Rendered it Impossible at present.
I am with every Sentiment of Esteem, yr. Very H Servt.
L. Mosby
RC (Vi); addressed; endorsed: “L. Mosby’s Lre April 23d 1781” (date of receipt?).
Mosby does not make clear how an order calling out the whole of the militia that was not received until 19 Apr. (see preceding letter from him) could have interfered with a court martial that had been called to meet on Friday, 13 Apr. The advice given by the executive (see TJ’s circular letter to the county lieutenants, 12 Apr. 1781) was not even issued until the day before Mosby says he called the court martial to meet.