Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Innes, 20 April 1781

From James Innes

Williamsburg. April. 20th 1781.


I enclose you the latest Intelligence of the movements of the Enemy. I shall immediately march the troops up the New Kent Road, and take such a position as to enable me, to operate vigorously without exposing my Rear and Flanks.

I have the honor to be respectfully Yr Excellency’s most obt Sevt.,

Jas Innes

N.B. Since writing the above, I have received Information that 16 flatt Bottomed Boats are above James Town.

RC (Vi); addressed: “On Service … Express”; endorsed. Tr (NHi); transmitted to Steuben on 22? Apr. Enclosure not identified, though it was possibly the undated letter from Davenport to Innes, now filed in Vi as an enclosure in the preceding letter and printed with it above.

The receipt of this letter is not recorded in proceedings of Council on 21 Apr., where the preceding and following letters from Innes to TJ of 20 Apr. are noted. But two letters from Innes are recorded as received on 22 Apr. (Va. Council Jour. description begins Journals of the Council of the State of Virginia, ed. H. R. McIlwaine description ends , ii, 339); one of these must have been Innes’ sole letter of 21 Apr. and the other may have been the present one. In any event there can be little doubt that the present letter, sent off as Innes was about to leave Williamsburg, was written after the “7 o’Clocke” letter preceding and before the letter from Allen’s Ordinary which follows.

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