To Thomas Jefferson from George Slaughter, 14 April 1781
From George Slaughter
Dear Sir
Salt River, 14 Apr. 1781. Encloses a copy of the proceedings of the commissioners to examine into the conduct of Capt. William Shannon, commissary in the western department. Having failed to prove the charges he made against Shannon, Slaughter hopes “that no part of the information formerly given by me, will further injure him in your esteem.”
RC (Vi); 3 p., including enclosure; addressed and endorsed; text almost identical with Slaughter’s letter to TJ concerning James Francis Moore, 13 Apr. 1781, q.v. Enclosure (filed with letter in Vi): Report of commissioners to inquire into conduct of William Shannon and James Francis Moore, 13 Apr. 1781; text identical with that of enclosure in Slaughter to TJ, 13 Apr. 1781; this copy also signed by four commissioners.