From Thomas Jefferson to John O’Bannon, 14 April 1781
To John O’Bannon
Richmond April 14th. 1781
Your letter on the Subject of the Commission came duly to Hand but not having a Council it is out of my Power to have any Thing done with it. I somewhat question too whether if a permanent Commission be expected they would not suppose it necessary to have a resignation from Major Buckner himself. If only a Commission during the Continuance of Your Men in the field be desired, such a Resignation might be dispensed with. I am &c,
T. J.
FC (Vi).
TJ’s reply to O’Bannon’s communication of 12 Apr. is puzzling. From April 12 to April 25, excluding Sundays, the Council met every day and was attended by TJ, David Jameson, William Fleming, George Webb, and Jacquelin Ambler. Webb was not present on Saturday, 14 Apr., but the Council met that day and transacted business. A probable explanation is that O’Bannon’s letter did not arrive until after the Council had adjourned on 14 Apr. and, since he had requested the commission to be sent back by the bearer, TJ did not think the matter of sufficient importance to be held over until Monday.