To Thomas Jefferson from Abner Nash, 10 April 1781
From Abner Nash
Newbern April 10. 1781
Dear Sir
I do myself the Honor of recomending the Bearer Genl. Jones one of the Council Extraordinary to Your Excellency for a true and particular state of our distresses and to sollicit an Aid from your State of Men Arms and Amunition. I shall not enter on particulars as the General is so able to represent to you our infeebled condition. With the highest Esteem & respect I am Dr Sir Yr. Excellencys most obed Hble Servt.,
A Nash
RC (NN); addressed: “His Excellency Governor Jefferson favd. by Genl Jones.”
Genl. Jones, the bearer of this letter, was General Allen Jones, brother of the more famous Willie Jones, who was a member of the Council of State at this time.