Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Prentis, 8 April 1781

From Joseph Prentis

Williamsburg 8th April 1781.

Dear Sir

The great inconvenience that has arisen to my private avocations from a daily attendance at the Council Board, has impelled me to resign the appointment. I must therefore request the favor of your Excellency to transmit the inclosed Letter of resignation to the Speaker of the House of Delegates.

Permit me to tender my respects to yourself and the Gentlemen of the Board and to assure you that I am with great respect Yr. Excellys most ob & most humble Sevt.,

J. Prentis

RC (Vi); addressed (in part): “favoured by Colo. Curie”; endorsed. Enclosure (Vi): Joseph Prentis to the Speaker of the House of Delegates, Williamsburg, 5 Apr. 1781, resigning from the Council.

Prentis, who had been in fairly constant attendance at the Council meetings, was last present on 22 Mch. (Va. Council Jour. description begins Journals of the Council of the State of Virginia, ed. H. R. McIlwaine description ends , ii, 315).

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