To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Claiborne, 2 April 1781
From Richard Claiborne
Richmond 2d. April 1781.
Yesterday I received an order from Major General Baron Stuben, to immediately get ready Saddles and Accoutrements for 300 horses; also to lay in a large Magazine of Forage at Petersburg. As this Business cannot by any means in my possession be effected I beg leave to entreat your Excellency again for a Warrant on the Treasury for the sum you mean to appropriate to my department. Money is wanted for every Operation, and I shall undoubtedly fail without it. One of my Assistants is now with me and cannot return to his Post without a supply of Cash.
I have the honor to be with great Respect Your Excellency’s Most obedient Humble Servt.,
Rd. Claiborne DQMr.S.V.
RC (Vi); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Claiborne; addressed and endorsed.