From Thomas Jefferson to James Wood, 31 March 1781
To James Wood
In Council Mar. 31. 1781.
I beg leave to transmit to you the inclosed information of George Twyman of Albemarle against Mr. Haw[kins] as a matter proper for you to subject to due enquiry. I am with much esteem Sir Your most obedt. servt,
Th: Jefferson
RC (Lloyd W. Smith, Madison, N.J., 1946); without indication of name of addressee, but it can be confidently ascribed to Wood both on the ground of provenance (the letter was sold among other Wood letters and manuscripts) and on the basis of subject matter. Enclosure: George Twyman to Nicholas Lewis and Isaac Davis, with TJ’s instructions to William Davies, 20 Mch., q.v., and references there.
TJ had first sent Twyman’s complaint to Davies, who probably returned it to TJ in his letter of 29 Mch. in which he recommends that Hawkins be tried by court martial. Since Wood had charge of the Convention troops at the time of the actions complained of, it is natural to suppose that TJ would turn over to him the duty of inquiring into Twyman’s allegations.