From Thomas Jefferson to William R. Davie, 30 March 1781
To William R. Davie
Richmond March 30 1781
Besides intrusting Mr. Brown our purchasing Commissary, as I had some Time before done to forward to you Droves of Beeves for the use of the Southern Army, 1 desired him to write you himself precisely what were his prospects and in future to correspond with you on the Subject of furnishing provision, that you might know with Certainty what to expect from this State.
He has written the inclosed Letter. You will doubtless think it is necessary to communicate your wants to him from time to time which I would beg the favor to inclose open to me or otherwise make known at the same Time that I may be able to have attention paid to them as far as Circumstances will admit. I am &c.,
T. J.
FC (Vi); at head of text: “To Wm R Davie Esqr. Commissary General of Purchases for the Southern Army.” The enclosed letter from Browne was probably not that of 29 Mch. In that letter Browne refers to “my former” letter (not found) and it may be this “former” letter that TJ enclosed to Davie.