To Thomas Jefferson from Herstale, [27 March 1781]
From Herstale
[27 March 1781]
Your Excellency will perceive by the joined Letter from Majr. Genl. de Riedesel that I am lately sent by order of his Serene Highness the Duke of Brunswic to N. York with the Cloathing for the Convention Troops, now on board the Vessel Genl. Riedesel.
As I never served in America, and being sent here on this only purpose, with orders to return to Europe immediately after my return to New York, I flatter myself, when the vessel has proceeded to her destination, Your Excellency will favor me by granting permission for me to bring myself the baggage to the troops of Convention.
Tr (DLC: PCC, No. 71, ii); at head of text: “Copy of a Letter from Lieut de Harstall dated on board flag Ship Genl De Riedesel 27th March 1781 to His Excellency Govr. Jefferson.”; enclosed in TJ to Samuel Huntington, 31 Mch. 1781, q.v. Tr (DLC: TJ Papers). Enclosure (missing): Doubtless a letter from Riedesel to TJ, similar in content to Riedesel’s letter of 19 Mch. transmitted with Heinrich Gerlach’s letter to TJ of 27 Mch., qq.v.
The writer of this letter cannot be definitely identified. The name is variously spelled (Harstall, Herstale, Hertel). The spelling here follows the marine passport issued by Washington, on 9 Dec. 1780, for the flag General Riedesel (Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, xx, 449).