Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John McCoy, 26 March 1781

From John McCoy

Staunton, Augusta March 26th. 1781.

May it please your Excellency,

To permit me to Adress you on a Subject which I do with the utmost Reluctancey Considring what a Situation our Country is in. But nature prevails over evrey Effort to the Contrary of being able to undergo the fatigues of a Campaign. Therefor I humbly Adress you hoping that you would give me leave to Resign my Commission as a Captain in this County Militia which I have held for the space of Five Years and am now aged Fortynine; Nothing would Induce Me to ask such a favour; was it not that I am unable to Discharge My duty as well as I could wish, owing to a Complication of Disorders which I have had upon Me for Some time. Your Complaying with my Request will much Oblige Your Excellencys most Obt. Humbl. Servt.,

John McCoy

RC (Vi); addressed; endorsed, in part: “Recd April 7th 1781.”

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