To Thomas Jefferson from John Syme, 22 March 1781
From John Syme
New Castle 22d March 1781.
Mr. Daniel Trueheart thinks the Court Martial of Our County Have Done Wrong, in placing Him on the present Tour of Duty. For Certain Reasons, it May be impolitick for me to intermeddle with His Case, therefore, Hope to be Excus’d by Your Excellency for Referring Him to Yourself, Being wth Great Esteem, Sir Your Mo: Obedt. Servt.,
J Syme
RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed.
Syme was county lieutenant of Cumberland co. One Daniel Trueheart is referred to in the journal of the Council on 5 Apr. as having been given a warrant by TJ to impress twenty horses, an authorization that was cancelled on 11 Jan. (ii, 328).